Xavier Guàrdia is a producer, screenwriter and film director settled in Barcelona. He studied Film Directing at Centre d’Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya CECC and graduated in 2002. He has written and directed fiction and documentary short films in 8mm, 16mm and HD Video.
He has a degree in Hispanic Philology from Barcelona University and Proficiency in English from Cambridge University. He has run Britway School of English since 2001.
Xavier Guàrdia is co-founder since 2020 of the film production company Seny&Rauxa Docfilms, a project that focusses on the production of arthouse films and independent documentaries.
He is currently working on the editing of feature hybrid Tourist Walk and also in the writing of feature documentary Soy Camino.
2025 Buscando ese Mar /4’/ Searching for that Sea
2024 Par les Soirs Bleus d’Été /10’/ On the Blue Summer Evenings
2022 Otros Tiempos /20’/ Other Times
2021 Towards the Hill /20’/
2019 Auld Lang Syne /6’/
2018 Cielito Lindo, Videta Meva /4’/ Sweet Heart
2017 Barcelona Tourist Walk /4’/
2016 A Bit of Us /4’/
2014 Atuendos, Dioses e Identidades /11’/ Attire, Gods and Identities
2013 Señas de Identidad /14’/ Signs of Identity
2012 10 Years Later /6’/
2002 Un Tomb per Barcelona /15’/ A Stroll around Barcelona
2001 Ho Sento Molt /4’/ So Sorry
2000 El Pez Más Viejo del Río /4’/ The Oldest Fish in the River
1999 Are You Lonesome Tonight? /5’/
1998 Blue Moon /12’/
1997 Le Petit Déjeuner /3’/ Breakfast Time
1996 Whisky on the Rocks /1’/
Work in Progress
Tourist Walk /90’/
Soy Camino /70’/ I am Camino